5KVA, 20KVA, 25KVA 1&3PHASE, 45KVA 1&3 PHASE


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Our range of medium trailerised generators ensure a reliable power supply for examples such as functions, catering or industrial use.

If you are uncertain about the unit size you need, please contact us.


Power Source                   Diesel

Our unit sizes                    5 KVA – Can be transported on a ute

                                          25KVA1 & 3 phase- Trailerised

                                          45KVA1 & 3 phase- Trailerised


Download our Safety Data Sheet here

*Please note: This trailer unit requires a vehicle with an appropriate tow rating. Additional costs include fuel, leads and/or a split box.


Interested in our pricing? Complete the below form and we'll get back to you.

To make a booking or check availability of this item, please call us direct on 0800 426 953.

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